In this week’s entry to the leisure diaries, Casamara Club founder Jason talks to head of production Erica about what the leisure diaries is all about. Plus, how he’s been enjoying his leisure time...
Hi Erica!
After years of chatter, I’m so happy to be kicking off the leisure diaries, a weekly conversation about how we're enjoying our leisure time. Here’s what’s been holding my attention lately...
- Priya Parker's The Art of Gathering is about being more purposeful in how we connect with others. She recently talked to Brené Brown, and I revisited her conversation with our good friend Julia Bainbridge. It all feels more relevant now than ever.
- I’m almost embarrassed to admit how much I’m enjoying Cobra Kai on Netflix. Loose and unserious at times, but endlessly charming. Plus episodes are only thirty minutes!
- Portrait of Lady on Fire (streaming on Hulu) is a film I’ve put off watching since it’s US release about a year ago. Sometimes foreign films can feel like homework, but I am so glad I finally made time for this one. Crushingly sad, endlessly hopeful. I can’t stop thinking about it.
- I'm listening to a lot of Italian Library Music lately, which is as strange and relaxing as its name makes it sound. I even made a Spotify playlist to share!
Circling back to Priya Parker and being intentional about how we connect, I'm optimistic that the leisure diaries will give us a chance to build real community here, beyond just buying and selling soda. At the very least, I hope that means readers will respond to let us know what's on their minds too.
I'm excited to see where you take this next week. That's all for now...
In leisure,